Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Morning

Brooke and Zeke helping the kids with their bows, I don't know why I always try to make the kids present so cute, cause then they can't open them.

Little Hairdresser!! Brooke gave her this hairstylist doll.. The chair even goes up and down. She loves it.

Rock'n out with Hanna Montanna, and yes she only 3 and already loves her!!

Christmas morning was so much fun!! I worked christmas eve midnight to 6:00am, so when I got home I didn't go to sleep because I was too excited. Ryan and I ended up waking her up at 8:30, so I should of went to sleep for a while. She was so excited, and overwhlemed. We had a great day. We went to ryans parents house, and then over to my mom's. She got so many fun things. Her and Peyton had a lot of fun together.


Amelia Lewis said...

I can only imagine how much FUN Savvy was! She is so full of it! I can't even wait until the twins are her age! Love Ya! Amelia

Brett and Diane said...

Wow you're Wonder Woman to work from midnight till 6am and then go into Christmas without sleeping! That’s amazing! Cute pictures!