Thursday, January 22, 2009

8 Things About Me

Here are the rules:

1) Post Rules on Blog
2) Answer the six 8 items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment.

8 Favorite TV Shows

1. Greys Anatomy
2. American Idol
3. Play house Disney (always on my TV)
4. The New 90210 (me and Ryan both love it!!, he will prob kill me for posting this)
5. The TODAY Show
6. Rachel Ray
7. Private Practice
8. The Biggest Looser
(I don't usually get to watch all of these shows, but I tivo lots of stuff and watch it when i can.)

8 Things I did yesterday

1. Went running
2. took Savannah to dance
3. cleaned up my house
4. made Savannah blueberry pancakes, she loves them!
5. did some laundry
6. fixed taco soup
7. went to a work meeting
8. went to work!!

8 things I look forward to

2. Going to the Lake
3. Our Trip to St Thomas in May
4. Laying by the pool with Amelia at her Mom's (ha ha!!)
5. Summer BB Q's
6. Camping
7. Riding my cruiser bike with the girls and my new mountain bike!!
8. Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. BJ's (in Las Vegas)
2. Cafe Rio
3. Sushi Fever (Las Vegas)
4. Macaroni Grill
5. Polar King ( I know its gone but it was a favorite)
6. Cheesecake Factory
7. Flemings Steakhouse
8. Mama's Fish house (Hawaii)

8 Things I Wish For

1. My Family and Friends to be Happy and Healthy
2. No more CANCER
3. My house to be paid off
4. To be more organized
5. To lose 5 Pounds
6. To remember every moment with savannah
7. Savannah to be Happy and Healthy FOREVER!!
8. For a Happier WORLD!!

8 People I tagged

1. Diane
2. Tara
3. Emily
4. Niki
( I could only think of 4 people, all of my other friends have been taggd and I don't have that many friends either.)


Brett and Diane said...

Hi Candance! So funny that you and I both did the 8's the same time and tagged each other. Isn't tivo the best! I think it was one of the greatest inventions specially for mom's other wise who knows if we'd ever get to watch anything we really wanted to not to mention you’ve got to LOVE not having to watch commercials. Loved reading your 8's.

Andy and Brooke said...

Hi Candace, Savanah is so dang cute! I love your pictures of her! I am glad you found us! Andy says to tell your fam hi!